Laure Dansou
Kobido Miracle Touch
Facial Massage
Kobido Miracle Touch Facial Massage
Laure Dansou is a Kobido Therapist with 20+ years of professional experience. After a kobido massage, the face is moisturized, toned, and energized. Muscles are freed of tension and tightness. Facial massage includes entirety of the face from eyelids, eyebrows, cheeks, lips, and oval of the face. The healthy- glow effect can last from a few days to a few weeks since the blood has irrigated the entire skin. The face is left sculpted, lifted, and drained.
Length of service: 1 hour 30-45 mins depending on clients needs
Price: 600 USD
Must wait 3 weeks after botox or filler for a Kobido Massage.
Please consult with your doctor if you are pregnant, had surgery, or going through chemotherapy
Kobido Massage may cause temporary reddness.
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